Blasphemous II

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Release Date: 08/25/2023

Blasphemous IIBlasphemous IIBlasphemous IIBlasphemous IIBlasphemous IIBlasphemous II

Awakened in a strange new land, and displaced from his final resting place, The Penitent One is thrust back into the endless cycle of life, death, and resurrection, with no other option than to explore this perilous new world and uncover its long-forgotten secrets.

Hordes of grotesque enemies stand in your way, awaiting final judgement by the brutal hand of the Penitent One, with titanic twisted bosses also lurking in the darkness, waiting for their chance to return you to the grave from whence you came.

  • Themes:
    • Action
    • Fantasy
  • Game Modes
    • Single player
  • Game Engines

      No game engines

The Penitent One awakens as Blasphemous 2 joins him once again in an endless struggle against The Miracle. Dive into a perilous new world filled with mysteries and secrets to discover, and tear your way through monstrous foes that stand between you and your quest to end the cycle one and for all.