Cartel Tycoon

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Release Date: 07/27/2022

Cartel TycoonCartel TycoonCartel TycoonCartel TycoonCartel TycoonCartel TycoonCartel Tycoon

Set in the fictionalized '80s Latin America, Cartel Tycoon tells the story of a time when the cocaine took over first the US, and then the whole world. Ridiculously rich drug kingpins rule over glorious empires, creating thousands of jobs. But a maelstrom of violence threatens this criminal underworld from within.

  • Themes:
    • Action
    • Sandbox
  • Game Modes
    • Single player
  • Game Engines

      No game engines

Cartel Tycoon is a story-driven business sim inspired by the '80's narco trade. Expand and conquer, stave off rival cartels and authority attention, earn people's loyalty and try to overcome the doomed fate of a drug lord with too much power.