Hyperforma: Lost Archives - Fragment I

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Release Date: 08/31/2023

Hyperforma: Lost Archives - Fragment IHyperforma: Lost Archives - Fragment IHyperforma: Lost Archives - Fragment IHyperforma: Lost Archives - Fragment IHyperforma: Lost Archives - Fragment IHyperforma: Lost Archives - Fragment I

Embark on an immersive journey and get lost archives with a new DLC Lost Archives — Fragment I. This DLC includes 30 additional levels. Every 10 new levels refer to specific bosses with all their associated design and mechanics. Features: ・10 new levels in Oracle ・10 new levels in Guardian ・10 new levels in Ghost ・New mechanics to activate the skills Secrets of the vanished civilization await to be unveiled!

  • Themes:

      No themes

  • Game Modes

      No game modes

  • Game Engines

      No game engines