Odyssey of Dremid'ir

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Release Date: 06/21/2024

Odyssey of Dremid'irOdyssey of Dremid'irOdyssey of Dremid'irOdyssey of Dremid'irOdyssey of Dremid'ir

In the once tranquil world of Dremid'ir, many folk merely survive since the destruction or disappearance of its god-like creators. Siblings, Codrin and Daciana, quest to find a place of peace in an ever increasingly dangerous world.

  • Themes:
    • Action
  • Game Modes
    • Single player
  • Game Engines
    • Godot Engine

Decaying without its god-like creators, the world of Dremid'ir is poised on the brink of destruction, explore a world filled with ancient ruins and lost civilizations, as a small group of unbeknownst heroes find a way to save themselves from the savage wastelands that surround them.