Oni Ama: Watashi ni Amaete, Onii-chan

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Release Date: 07/22/2021

Oni Ama: Watashi ni Amaete, Onii-chanOni Ama: Watashi ni Amaete, Onii-chan

Although the protagonist got a job in the city, he was tired of his daily life due to the work pressure. One day his younger childhood friend Akane, who attends a school to become a nursery teacher, decided to stay at his house for a week to train at a nursery nearby. However, the protagonist has zero ability for household chores, he is not good at cleaning, washing, cooking and his room is a mess. "As a thank you for allowing me to stay at your house, I'll take care of you for a week, Onii-chan." And so, begins a week living with her childhood friend who aims to become a nursery teacher. "Let me spoil you a lot, Onii-chan."

  • Themes:
    • Erotic
    • Romance
  • Game Modes
    • Single player
  • Game Engines

      No game engines