Roots of Yggdrasil

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Release Date: 09/07/2024

Roots of YggdrasilRoots of YggdrasilRoots of YggdrasilRoots of YggdrasilRoots of YggdrasilRoots of Yggdrasil

Against all odds, a handful of Vikings survived Ragnarok. Choose from a diverse cast of scions to lead your expeditions, build settlements, explore remnants of Midgard and gather resources to save your clan from oblivion.

  • Themes:

      No themes

  • Game Modes
    • Single player
  • Game Engines
    • Unity

Ragnarok is over. The gods have fallen and the World Tree lays shattered. Against all odds, only a Viking tribe remains, caught in an endless loop at the end of time. Can they break the cycle and rebuild their broken home?