Street Fighter 6: Year 1 - Rashid

Looking for the latest Street Fighter 6: Year 1 - Rashid release date? Our site has all the info you need! Stay up-to-date on Street Fighter 6: Year 1 - Rashid release date, gameplay, trailers, and reviews. We keep you informed on the most anticipated games of the year so you never miss out. Whether you're a die-hard fan or curious about the latest games, our site has everything you need to know. Visit us today and stay ahead of the game!

Release Date: 07/25/2023

Street Fighter 6: Year 1 - RashidStreet Fighter 6: Year 1 - RashidStreet Fighter 6: Year 1 - RashidStreet Fighter 6: Year 1 - RashidStreet Fighter 6: Year 1 - Rashid

Rashid is the first DLC character for Street Fighter 6 and the Year 1 Character/Ultimate Pass. The character was released on July 24th, 2023. Capcom describes him as following: ”The Soaring Eagle of the Desert” that fights using parkour. With the wind as his ally, he outfoxes opponents with his high mobility. Born into nobility, he's a carefree but earnest man. Loves video streaming.

  • Themes:

      No themes

  • Game Modes

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  • Game Engines

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