Take the King!

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Release Date: 11/11/2023

Take the King!Take the King!Take the King!Take the King!Take the King!Take the King!Take the King!

The august chessboard crumbles. The millennia-old battlefield, foundation of all laws, has been desecrated. Is the era of symmetrical confrontations over?

How to govern a crumbling kingdom? How to restore the balance of all things? First victim of this cataclysm, will the brave King be able to survive in his quest for great harmony?

  • Themes:
    • Fantasy
  • Game Modes
    • Single player
  • Game Engines
    • Unity

Take the King! is a puzzle game based on the rules of chess, reimagined to offer original intellectual challenges. While your pieces move normally, the chessboard is anything but standard, and you have a variety of goals.