Terra Nil

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Release Date: 03/29/2023

Terra NilTerra NilTerra NilTerra NilTerra NilTerra NilTerra NilTerra NilTerra NilTerra Nil

Terra Nil is a game about transforming a barren, lifeless landscape into a thriving, vibrant ecosystem. Turn dead soil into fertile grassland, clean polluted oceans, plant sprawling forests, and create the ideal habitat for animals to call home. Then recycle your buildings and leave no trace that you were there. Reclaim the wasteland.

  • Themes:
    • Science fiction
    • Sandbox
    • Educational
  • Game Modes
    • Single player
  • Game Engines
    • Unity

Terra Nil is an intricate environmental strategy game about transforming a barren wasteland into a thriving, balanced ecosystem. Bring life back to a lifeless world by purifying soil, cleaning oceans, planting trees, and reintroducing wildlife, then leave without a trace.