TwilightStar: Heart of Eir

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Release Date: Invalid date

TwilightStar: Heart of EirTwilightStar: Heart of EirTwilightStar: Heart of EirTwilightStar: Heart of EirTwilightStar: Heart of EirTwilightStar: Heart of Eir

Eathral is crumbling.

The Stryah crystals that shine like starlight, imbuing the planet's surface with mystical and powerful magicks are turning black, and pockets of chaos are sprouting all across the continent. But in the reclusive village of Homaran, a tentative peace is sustained amongst its people.

Eir lives simply with her father; her life plain but fulfilling. Until he is brutally murdered at the hands of the Caelki, a dark sect who live in service to disorder and the worship of an insatiable god, long since forgotten to legend, much like the origins of the crystals Eathral has come to so desperately rely on.

With her closest companion and unrequited inamorata, Kira at her heel and a mysterious book written in a language she does not understand, Eir sets out on a quest to find answers that will reshape her destiny and change everything she knows about who she thought she was. Taking refuge in the hands of her allies and a planetary ancestral power that roots itself deeper within her than even she knows, Eir must learn to wield the might of Eathral herself in this tale of magical discovery, devotion, betrayal, and adventure.

  • Themes:
    • Action
    • Fantasy
    • Open world
    • Party
  • Game Modes
    • Single player
  • Game Engines
    • Unreal Engine

In TS:Heart of Eir, you will experience a world governing a delicate balance. With the people of Eathral learning to navigate the growing developments around Stryah usage (our magic system, more on that later!) in significant times of turbulence and upheaval, you will carry our protagonist Eir (and her companions) on a journey to discover just what it means to sustain peace, and confront the destinies and darkness we're not always prepared for. Eathral is crumbling. The Stryah crystals that shine like starlight, imbuing the planet's surface with mystical and powerful magicks are turning black, and pockets of chaos are sprouting all across the continent. But in the reclusive village of Homaran, a tentative peace is sustained amongst its people. Eir lives simply with her father; her life plain but fulfilling. Until he is brutally murdered at the hands of the Caelki, a dark sect who live in service to disorder and the worship of an insatiable god, long since forgotten to legend, much like the origins of the crystals Eathral has come to so desperately rely on. With her closest companion and unrequited inamorata, Kira at her heel and a mysterious book written in a language she does not understand, Eir sets out on a quest to find answers that will reshape her destiny and change everything she knows about who she thought she was. Taking refuge in the hands of her allies and a planetary ancestral power that roots itself deeper within her than even she knows, Eir must learn to wield the might of Eathral herself in this tale of magical discovery, devotion, betrayal, and adventure.