Immortals of Aveum

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Release Date: 08/23/2023

Immortals of AveumImmortals of AveumImmortals of AveumImmortals of AveumImmortals of Aveum

In the universe of Aveum, those that can wield magic, use sigils to focus the power within them, making it more effective and deadly in combat. Sigils are an integral part of Immortals' moment-to-moment magic shooter action and visceral, cinematic campaign experience.

  • Themes:
    • Action
    • Fantasy
  • Game Modes
    • Single player
  • Game Engines
    • Unreal Engine 5

From the creative director of Dead Space and multiple Call of Duty campaigns comes Immortals of Aveum, a single-player first-person magic shooter set in an original fantasy universe engulfed in magic, rife with conflict, and on the verge of oblivion.