Project Snaqe

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Release Date: 02/05/2022

Project SnaqeProject SnaqeProject SnaqeProject SnaqeProject SnaqeProject SnaqeProject Snaqe

Project Snaqe is an action and precision game inspired by the classic Snake. Your main goal is to collect the minerals scattered through the map, adding cars to your convoy and increasing your high score. The game has 3 different modes with progressive difficulty levels, in addition to the Classic Mode that remounts the traditional Snake gameplay. It also features a variety of obstacles, two navigation modes (drill and shooter), a nostalgic and quite charming pixel art look, great chip-tuney soundtracks and a global ranking system supported by Steam.

  • Themes:
    • Action
    • Science fiction
  • Game Modes
    • Single player
  • Game Engines
    • Unity 2021