Six Days in Fallujah

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Release Date: 06/23/2023

Six Days in FallujahSix Days in FallujahSix Days in FallujahSix Days in FallujahSix Days in FallujahSix Days in FallujahSix Days in FallujahSix Days in FallujahSix Days in Fallujah

Lead a fireteam through accurately recreated encounters from the real battle, built with technology that brings you closer to the uncertainty and tactics of real combat than any other game has explored until now. Each mission is narrated by a real person, while you experience these same moments as if you were them.

Experience how modern combat is really fought, through the eyes of those who were actually there.

  • Themes:
    • Action
    • Survival
    • Historical
    • Stealth
    • Drama
    • Warfare
  • Game Modes
    • Single player
    • Multiplayer
    • Co-operative
  • Game Engines

      No game engines

Six Days in Fallujah is a first-person tactical military shooter that recreates true stories of Marines, Soldiers, and Iraqi civilians who fought Al Qaeda during the toughest urban battle since 1968.